B PROVIRON 25mg/20tb

Proviron represents one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids on the market. A product of the giant pharmaceutical company Schering, it would first appear in 1934. Officially known as Mesterolone, it has appeared under numerous brand names over the years, but the Proviron name has continually remained dominant. It has also remained one of the most misunderstood anabolic steroids among steroid users.

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Proviron represents one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids on the market. A product of the giant pharmaceutical company Schering, it would first appear in 1934. Officially known as Mesterolone, it has appeared under numerous brand names over the years, but the Proviron name has continually remained dominant. It has also remained one of the most misunderstood anabolic steroids among steroid users.

In many ways, Proviron is a very unique anabolic steroid. It shares some strong similarities to Masteron (Drostanolone) and to a degree Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Winstrol (Stanozolol) but in totality it is its own unique animal. In a performance capacity, Proviron is not used to promote large buildups in mass, although it can serve an important purpose during such a phase of training. We will, however, find Proviron to be far more common in cutting cycles, but once again its purpose will be somewhat unique.

As a therapeutic agent, Proviron is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids in modern medicine. However, the Mesterolone hormone has never been approved by the U.S. FDA. It will primarily be found in European medicine, especially in Western Europe. The primary purpose of use is treating androgen deficiencies, age being the most common culprit of the condition. It is, however, also used in pre-pubescent males as well. The hormone is also used as a fertility aid in men and this alone makes it a very unique anabolic steroid as most anabolic steroids tend to have the opposite effect.

Proviron Functions & Traits:

Mesterolone is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic androgenic steroid. Specifically it is a structurally altered DHT hormone possessing the addition of a methyl group at the carbon one position. This allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion by protecting it from hepatic breakdown. This is one of the only oral anabolic steroids that is not C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) but instead carries the added methyl group. Oral Primobolan is the other most well-known oral steroid that carries this same methyl group. While the added methyl group does in fact protect it from breakdown, the total bioavailability of Proviron will be far less than most all C17-aa oral steroids. For this reason it has fallen out of popularity among many performance enhancing athletes but as we will see perhaps unjustifiably so.

Proviron carries an androgenic rating of 30-40 and an anabolic rating of 100-150. All ratings derive from and are measured against testosterone, which carries a rating of 100 in both categories. Despite having an anabolic rating that is potentially greater than testosterone, Proviron will display very low anabolic traits. This is very similar to Halotestin(Fluoxymesterone), which carries a massive anabolic rating but very little translatable anabolic activity. In the case of Proviron, while structurally very anabolic, the Mesterolone hormone converts and reduces to Diol metabolites, in turn reducing anabolic activity. However, Proviron’s androgenic rating is a different story. In fact, its translatable androgenic activity appears to commonly be higher than its structural rating would imply.

On a functional basis, Proviron carries four primary traits that largely define its mode of action. First and foremost the Mesterolone hormone has a strong binding affinity to Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG). In fact, it appears to be one of the strongest anabolic steroids in this regard. By binding to SHBG, a hormone partially responsible for reducing free testosterone, binding SHBG will enhance the amount of circulating free testosterone. More importantly for the anabolic steroid user, it will make a larger percentage of the anabolic steroids used available in a free rather than bound state. A simple way to look at it is the anabolic steroids you’re taking become more powerful and potent.

Proviron also has the ability to interact with the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. By binding to the aromatase enzyme, Proviron can actually inhibit aromatase activity, thereby offering protection against estrogenic side effects. It will not carry an anti-estrogenic effect near the level of power of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) but it will be notable. Depending on the nature of the cycle the individual undertakes it is quite possible for Proviron to take care of all your anti-estrogen needs.

The Mesterolone hormone will also carry a strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor. Once again this will promote the functionality of other steroids to a degree but more importantly promote enhanced metabolic activity through direct lipolysis. Then we’re left with the final issue that surrounds Proviron as a fertility medication. This is an anabolic steroid that does not suppress gonadotropins similarly to other anabolic steroids. With minimal suppression and its extremely strong androgenicity, this will enhance sperm production as androgens are necessary to spermatogenesis stimulation. This not only enhances the amount of sperm produced but greatly and equally important enhances the quality of the sperm. Before we go any further understand Proviron does have the ability to suppress gonadotropins, but there’s a line that has to be crossed for notable suppression to interfere with sperm production. This will make sense once we dive into the side effects section.

Effects of Proviron:

During a bulking phase Proviron is not going to be a foundational steroid, and for most men it will not have a place in an off-season cycle. There are exceptions and we’ll go over those here. Adding in Proviron could possibly help the individual breakthrough a sticking point during his cycle. At some point and time in all cycles the progress begins to wane, and in some cases come to a complete halt. By the way Proviron enhances the total free state of the other steroids being used in a stack, it could possibly help the individual breakthrough this sticking point. During the off-season, this is where most will use the largest amount of testosterone. Many will use large amounts during cutting cycles too, especially competitive bodybuilders but lower testosterone plans are more common during the cutting phase. However, there are those for numerous reasons who choose to run off-season cycles with limited testosterone doses. In such plans, including Proviron could give them a slight needed androgen boost. While it may not always be necessary it could prove to be beneficial.

Without question the best time to use Proviron will be during the cutting phase. This steroid has the ability to provide a bit of a hardening effect similar to Masteron, but more importantly the hardening effects of other steroids will be enhanced. Then we consider its strong binding to the androgen receptor, which will in fact enable the individual to burn body fat at a far more efficient rate. From here we must consider the anti-estrogen effect of Proviron. This will ensure the individual is less prone to water retention and as discussed, depending on the total cycle, it could negate the need for a traditional anti-estrogen. Then we’re once again left with the enhancement of circulating free testosterone. This can be a tremendous benefit when testosterone levels are often much lower during this phase of anabolic steroid use. In fact, with a low dosed testosterone cycle that includes other anabolic steroids, we can confidently say the total results will be greater for the individual who includes Proviron compared to the one who does not. In the end, the primary base benefit is the increased androgenicity of other steroids being used in order to promote a much harder and far more defined physique. It should be noted while Proviron can most certainly provide these traits they will not be noticeable unless you are lean.